

Farms are becoming an increasingly attractive target for professional gangs. A recent report from the NFU suggests that over £52m was stolen from British farms with this figure to expected to grow again next year. GJD’s range of security solutions are ideal for protecting isolated and rural farms.


>>  Protecting Your Farm Thought Leadership Document  <<


At COP, we admire GJD’s expertise and dedication. We were, therefore, delighted to partner with GJD to offer an exclusive 20% discount to anyone working on a farming security project.

Dominic Chandler Johnson COP

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We’re officially a member of the UK Agri-Tech Centre. This membership allows GJD to collaborate with other thought leaders and innovators to develop technology that better protects farms, workers, and families.

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To find out more about our security solutions, contact us today.

+44 (0)1706 363 998
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